LASTS ALL YEAR. GUARANTEED! Guarantee is valid for one year from purchase date. Does not cover misuse.
Sync your planner to your phone with the Five Star Study App. Scan the planner pages to track and manage your assignments to access them anywhere, anytime.
Planner has thick, durable cover and runs 12 months from July 2024 — June 2025 for academic year planning
One week per two page spread includes ruled writing space for up to 8 subjects and weekday check boxes to mark off priorities. 8-1/2" x 11" page size.
One month per two page spread features unruled daily blocks, a to-do list column with check boxes and unruled notes sections
Special pages include a 2-year reference calendar, 2 community service pages, 2 contacts pages and 5 notes pages
Spiral Guard covers the wire to help prevent snags on clothes and backpacks. Available in Pacific Blue with trapezoid texture.